Grocery Card Program
Grocery card sales program
This is a parish fundraising program operated by volunteers of the Knights of Columbus Fr. Bonner Council.
How it works — The parish purchases pre-paid gift cards at high volume and receives a discount on this bulk purchase. The gift cards are then sold at face value to individuals and families. However, this bulk discount is modest (approx. 6%) so the margin for sales is small and therefore the program relies on sales volume to raise funds.
The proceeds of the program support parish projects (e.g., lighting upgrades and refurbishment of the front steps) with a portion coming to Fr. Bonner Council, which we can use to support charities, scholarships, and other initiatives.
Available gift cards are for Superstore, Save-on-Foods, and Sobeys/Safeway, all in $25, $50, and $100 amounts. The cards may be used also at the Superstore and Safeway gas bar. We also have Tim Horton’s $25 cards.
Gift cards work just like cash, but let you avoid fumbling with loose change. Any unspent balance remains on the card for your next trip to the store, with the store receipt indicating the remaining balance. Once one card runs out, you can just use the next card.
The grocery card sales counter is open before and after all Sunday morning/noon Masses every weekend, and before and after the Saturday 5:00 PM Mass on the first and third weekend of each month.
There are two ways you can help out:
Purchase cards for yourself and your family — If you pay cash or use debit card, you receive full face value for your purchase; this means it costs you nothing to participate and support the parish and charitable causes.*
Volunteer for the grocery card sales team as a seller or shift captain — By giving a bit of your time, you help us out greatly. Volunteering does not interfere with your participation at Mass (naturally, the sales counter is closed during Mass).
We thank you for your support of this program.
* Note that a small 2% fee is added for purchases made with credit card (Visa or MasterCard) to offset the transaction fees.