Message From the Grand Knight
On behalf of our Council of over 460 members (at last count) I would like to welcome you to the online home of our Council, which is proud to make its home at St. Thomas More parish in South Edmonton (Alberta, Canada).
We are a subsidiary Council within District 13 of the Alberta-Northwest Territories State jurisdiction.
Our goals have been and will always be based on the four foundational principles of our Order;
Charity | Unity | Fraternity | Patriotism
Emanating from these principles, we develop a roster of programming each Columbian Year. Our programs come from the Knights of Columbus 'Faith In Action' program structure which focuses on engaging families through programming in 4 key areas:
Community - programming that focuses on building stronger bonds within our faith community and also engaging the broader community through activities designed to serve the underprivileged and marginalized;
Faith - programming that focuses on deepening connection to our faith through liturgical and extra-liturgical devotions and activities;
Family - programming that focuses on strengthening bonds within families with the particular aim of assisting in the formation of youth, promotion of Catholic education, and religious vocations; and,
Life - programming that seeks to promote the inherent dignity of every human life through engaging in relevant issues including abortion, euthanasia, human trafficking, prostitution, elder abuse, and social inclusion of persons with disabilities.
While the Knights of Columbus do some fundraising, we are first and foremost a Catholic service organization that Pope St. John Paul II referred to famously as 'the strong right arm of the Church'. Our members and their families are active in numerous liturgical ministries and other groups within the parish of St. Thomas More. We also work cooperatively with other service groups such as the Catholic Women's League and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to achieve common objectives.
If you are a Catholic gentleman but not yet a Knight, I would like to extend a personal invitation to you to consider joining us to be a strong voice in support of the church, the family, life issues, vocations and Catholic education. Membership is open to men 18 years and over who are practical Catholics as defined by the Church.
If you are interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus and/or our Council specifically, please contact us and one of our members will be happy to answer your questions. We regularly hold two membership drives per year - in October and February/March within St. Thomas More Parish.
Bro. Rob Liber
Grand Knight
Father Bonner Council #7599