Example Activities
Community Activities
The Community Activities Service Program provides support to the community at large via various council projects. Some suggestions from the Supreme Council include activities regarding pro-life, volunteerism, human needs, public safety, environment, and health services. The Community Activities Director currently has the largest portfolio of events in Fr. Bonner Council. Historically, Fr. Bonner Council’s church activities program has included the following:
Basketball free-throw competition — This is a State-wide program held every year from January through March. This program gives young people a chance to demonstrate their basketball skills in fun and exciting competition. Duties include booking gym time at local schools and hosting the event.
Marian Centre visits — Approximately every three months, Fr. Bonner Council sends a contingent of 7–9 people to prepare and serve food to the inner-city poor on a Saturday morning. The event chairman maintains a pool of at least 15 potential volunteers to call upon to fulfill the required volunteer positions for each visit.
Parish Pasta Dinner — Fr. Bonner Council hosts an annual pasta night on behalf of the parish. The event chairman requires 4–6 assistants to help plan the event, plus a contingent of 20+ people on the day of the event to set up the Parish Hall, prepare and serve food, and clean up.
Parish Picnic — Each June, the Knights help to host the annual Parish Picnic and BBQ. The event chairman needs 4–6 assistants for event planning, plus a larger contingent to run the event.
Pro-life advocate — This committee monitors and promotes pro-life activities within the archdiocese and makes recommendations to Council as needed.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul — This Catholic Society’s purpose is to provide direct aid to those who suffer and to help individuals reduce and even eliminate the causes of their suffering on their own. Society members use their own resources, sharing not only possessions, but also the valuable gift of their presence. Several of our Council members are Society members and report to the council and request assistance or volunteers as required. Activities include visitations to the residences of the needy, and pick-up and delivery of donations.
Senior’s dinner — This annual, pre-Christmas celebration is held the first weekend in December in the Parish Hall. The committee hosts a turkey dinner for seniors in the area. Four to six committee members are required to assist the event chairman. A contingent of 20+ people is needed on the day of the event to set up the hall, prepare and serve food, and clean up.
Thanksgiving hamper delivery — Each year, Fr. Bonner Council purchases Thanksgiving hampers for approximately six families in need. Three to five assistants are required to purchase the food, prepare the hampers, and deliver them. The Chairman of this committee receives names of needy families from either the parish office, the St. Vincent De Paul Society, or Catholic Social Services.
Christmas hamper delivery — This is a city-wide event organized by Catholic Social Services. The Knights of Columbus primarily provide manpower on delivery day by delivering parcels, or assisting with the loading of parcels into the vehicles of volunteer drivers. This event is often run not only by the Knights, but also by their families and friends.
Church Activities
K of C Honour Guard at Marian Mass - May 6, 2013
The Church Activities Service Program enables each individual Knight to set a constant and worthy example as an ideal Catholic to his family, his community, and his fellow Brothers. Some suggestions from the Supreme Council include activities regarding evangelization, vocations, and religious devotions. The Church Activities Director is the liaison between Council and various church ministries as directed by the Grand Knight. Historically, Fr. Bonner Council’s church activities program has included the following:
Marian Mass — Mass in honour of the Virgin Mother, held once each year in May (usually on the first Monday). Council members and their families, members of the parish, and numerous schools are all invited to attend.
Knights of Columbus Masses — Once per month, at one of the Saturday/Sunday Masses at St. Thomas More, the Knights provide the manpower to fulfill the supportive roles in the Mass (Adult Server, Lectors, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). If you are a Knight involved in any of these ministries, please help us out.
Vocations — A ministry informing the council of Holy Hours of Prayer, Saturday Rosary, and supporting local priesthood vocation programs.
Pennies For Heaven — After each general meeting, a one dollar 50/50 draw is promoted, where 50% of the proceeds go to the winner, and the 50% goes towards vocations. At each State convention, these monies are presented to the State Vocations Director.
Formation Program — At each monthly Council meeting, a different Christian theme (based on Scripture) is presented as a reading, with time for reflection and fraternal sharing. Click here to view the readings ...
Holy Hours — Monthly, parish Holy Hours are held (usually after the evening mass on the 3rd Tuesday of the month) in which Knights are encouraged to participate.
Council Activities
The Council Activities Service Program promotes fraternalism in our membership. Some suggestions from the Supreme Council include activities such as athletics, blood donor clinics, socials, culture, and public relations. Historically, Fr. Bonner Council’s council activities program has included the following:
Council newsletter — Published 10 times per year, the newsletter provides meeting minutes, reports from the executive, promotion of events, notice of birthdays/anniversaries, and general interest articles. All members are welcome and encouraged to provide material for consideration.
Council website — The council maintains this website to assist with the dissemination of council information. Services found on the website include the following:
Council membership roster
Council executive roster
Council events/activity calendar
Newsletter archives
Council publication archives
Event photo galleries
Grand Knight’s monthly message
Related links for the Order, the parish, and the Catholic Church
Members are encouraged to assist the webmaster by providing content or suggestions for content or functional enhancements, and by assisting with website administration.
Charities Appeal — Each year, a state-sponsored Jeep Cherokee raffle (Alberta-wide) involves Knights to sell tickets to family/friends, and in the shopping malls. Proceeds go to various charities including battered women’s shelters. This activity has typically been one of Fr. Bonner Council’s more successful events, as for 9 years straight, our members sold more tickets than any other council in the jurisdiction of “Alberta – Northwest Territories”, some years by more than double. Assistants are required to:
sell tickets at specific time slots
assist delivering and returning the demonstration vehicle to/from the malls
phone committee for finding volunteers
booking mall times
assist with bookkeeping (tracking ticket sales)
collecting ticket books from members
1st Degree initiation team — This team works city-wide to introduce new members into the 1st Degree. New team members are required, so that backup is always available in event of schedule conflicts for existing team members.
4th Degree representative — This member reports to Council on K of C 4th Degree news, activities, and encourages Major (3rd) Degree members to become 4th Degree members of the Knights.
Telephone committee — This committee contacts members to inform them of significant events, and to search for volunteers for key events (e.g., Awards Night). Participants on this committee will be given a list of members to contact, with specific details as to the nature of the call, and any subsequent details that are relevant. Typically, phone-outs take place 4–5 times per year, with anticipated effort being 1 to 3 hours per phone-out.
State curling — The “State Curling Bonspiel” is held in a different location in the province each year. Fr. Bonner Council is typically represented by at least one rink (4 curlers) at this event, and more rinks if the interest is there. The council partially subsidizes the costs, so as to encourage participation. All members are eligible, as long as the event is not full.
State golf — The annual “State Golf Tournament” is held in a different location in the province each year. Historically, many members of Fr. Bonner Council register as a group and participate. All members are eligible as long as the event is not full.
Awards Night — The Council Activities Director is responsible for managing the committee for the annual “Awards Night” which happens in June, as a wrap up barbeque for the council, to install the new council officers for the upcoming Columbian year, and to provide recognition to the efforts of the membership at large. Volunteers are required for organizing the event, purchasing and preparing food, providing door prizes, and event cleanup.
Youth Activities
The Youth Activities Service Program seeks to promote programs that involve the families of members so to provide youth with means and opportunities to become personally committed and involved with meeting the challenges of our times. Some suggestions from the Supreme Council include the sponsorship of youth groups such as Squires, Squirettes, CYO (Catholic Youth Organization), CYM (Catholic Youth Ministry), Big Brothers/Sisters, Scouting, 4-H Clubs, and local parish youth groups. Suggested activities/programs from Supreme include socials, athletics, religious events, scholarships, educational programs (e.g., on smoking or drug abuse), and essay competitions. Historically, Father Bonner Council has included the following activities as part of its Youth Activities Service Program:
Columbian Squires
Fr. Bonner Council sponsors a Squires Circle (Fr. Paul Kingston Circle). Most youth activities for the council are encompassed in the Squires program. As part of the relationship, Squires often provide volunteer service to many council functions, such as providing workers at coat checks, and assisting with other council events.
The council sponsors two Caritas Award scholarships at Louis St. Laurent Jr. High and High School on an annual basis.
Family Activities
The Family Activities program seeks to promote programs that involve the families of members so to further promote fraternity, and family as the core of our society. Some suggestions from the Supreme Council include activities regarding memorials, social events, sportoutings, and other recreational activities. This is the most flexible of programs, as each year different events are introduced. Besides striking committees for the hosting of family events, the Family Activities Director is also responsible for identifying the “Family of The Month” and presenting the award at council general meetings.
Historically, Father Bonner Council has included the following activities as part of its Family Activities Service Program:
Family Pot Luck Supper
An annual event held in the parish hall. The participating members/family bring a dish and partake in an evening of socializing. Some years, entertainment has been provided (e.g. – children’s magician, singers, etc.)
Family Bowling
A subsidized 5 pin bowling night for members and their families, with pizza and pop as refreshments.
Family Skating
A skating outing where chili and other refreshments are available.
Family Swim
Sometimes the council will rent a pool and provide refreshments after (e.g. – pizza/pop).
Membership Activities
This program focuses on recruitment of new members
Membership drives
Our Council runs two membership drives each year at St. Thomas More Parish. One membership drive is held in the fall, and the second, in the spring. At the end of each Mass, one of our members will address the congregation, introducing the Knights of Columbus program. Other members are stationed at the entrance of the Church to meet with any interested parishioners and to invite them to the next information night (see below).
Information nights
The membership team, having spoken to interested parishioners, brings them together and hosts an information night at the parish. Here, we provide detailed information about the K of C, as well as specific details about Fr. Bonner Council and its programs to prospective members. Prospective candidates are invited to the next First Degree exemplification to become new Knights.
Membership committee members can visit parishioners at their home, to provide a personal opportunity to ask questions and become informed about the Order.